रवि जी का परिचय उन्ही के शब्दों में..Ravishankar Shrivastava once lived in Ratlam, now he is based at Bhopal, MP India. He had served Govt Electric Supply company for about 20 years as Engineer before he took VRS from service. Presently he is working as freelance technical consultant, technical writer and Technical Translator. He had done mammoth pioneer work in bringing Linux Operating System in Hindi & Chhattisgarhi for which he got many awards and accolades. His witty Hindi Blog - Raviratlami ka Hindi Blog had been awarded as Best Hindi Blog 2006 by Microsoft Bhasha-India. He had many award in his coffin that includes – Microsoft MVP – 2007-09, Abhivyakti-Hindi-org Technology Writer 2007, Chattisgarh-gaurav 2008, FOSS.IN 2008, Manthan 2009 etc.ब्लाग..रचनाकार..छींटे और बौछार..वर्ग पहेली