06 February 2012

It gives me stemna - हरेन्द्र सिंह रावत

इनका शुभ नाम है - हरेन्द्र सिंह रावत । और इनका Occupation है - army pensioner और इनकी Location है - New Delhi, India हरेन्द्र जी अपने Introduction में कहते हैं -  I served army and retired as Captain. Than I started writing poems , stories, vyang, biography, blogs.
I have started my blog and written many poems, stories, articles ( all in hindi ). KIndly do a favour so that my efforts may go to many readers. I wants their comments. With regards. harendra. While writting on this blogspot, I got hotspot, burning ideas. It gives me stemna and helped me in building my confidence. It has given me a lesson how to spend the leisure time, utilization of time, punctuality. From that date I also started to follow the principle "early to bed early to rise, a man makes healthy wealthy and wise . इनके ब्लाग हैं - कहानी और कविता । चंचल मन ।

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